VTingyu 发表于 2016-3-22 18:13:20


濒临灭绝北极熊亦是如此。所有的生物都需要水,而现在水需要你的保护。请勿浪费。EndangeredAnd the polar bear too.All species need water and now water needs you. Stop the waste.
濒临灭绝老虎亦是如此。所有的生物都需要水,而现在水需要你的保护。请勿浪费。EndangeredAnd the tiger too.All species need water and now water needs you. Stop the waste.
濒临灭绝犀牛亦是如此。所有的生物都需要水,而现在水需要你的保护。请勿浪费。EndangeredAnd the rhino too.All species need water and now water needs you. Stop the waste.
我们的水资源已经枯竭Our water is thirst
让花朵结出果实,让土地孕育食物,让砖块砌成房屋,让五尺之童变成天之骄子,让过去照进未来。之于非洲,水唯一的价值在于解渴。这就是为什么AVSI基金会要修建了一条水渠直通卢旺达的Gatsibo和Gicumbu地区,还要为苏丹托里特乡村的人们打水井。请支持AVSI,帮助我们共建未来,把尊严还给非洲人民。Turns flowers into fruits, soil into food, brick into houses, children into students,present into future. Water turns people into persons.Eliminating thirst is just one of the things that water can do for Africa.That’s why the AVSI Foundation is building an aqueduct to carry drinking water to the districts of Gatsibo and Gicumbu in Rwanda and digging wells for the communities that live in the country of Torit in Sudan. Support AVSI and help us build afuture and give the African people back their dignity.

Every drop counts because water is precious
为他们送去水资源Bring water to their lives

我们共享同一片水资源,请善待之3月22日 世界水日We all share the same water. Use it well.March22. World Water Day

每年有1百8十万儿童死于饮用脏水清洁、干净的水是世界上最珍贵的资源之一。但是全球约有10亿人无法获得干净的饮用水。加入我们,为那些需要的人提供安全的饮用水、下水道设备和卫生教育。1.8 million children die every year from drinking dirty waterFresh,clear water is one of the most precious resources in the world. Yet more than abillion people across the globle don’t have access to it. Join us in working toprovide safe water, sanitation and hygiene education to those who need it mostat wateraid.org.
当你节约用水时,你可以想想你拯救了哪些生命Think about what you could save when you save water

如果说我们身体中70%是水,那剩下的30%一定是责任3月22日 世界水日这一天,我们牢记自己做了什么。节约水资源就是拯救地球,就是自我救赎If our body is 70% water, the 30% left must be responsibility.March22. World Water Day.The day we remember what we’re made of. To save water is to save the planet, to helpourselves.
当水份流失时,我们干裂了节约用水 续写历史When the water goes, we drySavethe water  Irrigate our history

最凶猛的猛兽就是水饮用水缺失,每年会殃及3百6十万人口The greatest human predator is waterNon-potable water cause 3.6 million victims every year around the world.
水也杀人不安全的饮用水每年夺去的性命比战争更多Water killsUnsafe water kills more people every year than war

帮助节约用水世界水日 3月22日Help save waterWorld Water Day. March 22
阻止全球水资源流失Stop draining our world
循环用纸 节约用水Recycle paper. Save water

每一滴水中都孕育着生命,请保护水资源Life in every drop, protect the water

洗澡神速可以拯救生命请节约用水。浪费水资源就意味着将百万缺水的人置于死地A quicker bath can save livesSave water. Wasting it kills millions of people who don’t have enough

没有水就没有生命No water no life

污染河流水域就如同用核武器杀人Pollute river water kills as many people as a unclear explosion
每天有11亿2千万人引用脏水帮助世界解决水资源与卫生问题1.2 billion people drink dirty water every dayHelping the world to solve water and sanitation problems
每天水都会害人性命帮助世界解决水资源与卫生问题Water kills every dayHelping the world to solve water and sanitation problems
在一些国家,妇女要冒着被强奸的危险去采水帮助世界解决水资源与卫生问题In some countries women risk rape by collecting waterHelping the world to solve water and sanitation problems

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